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Simple Skills to Improve Your Life Continued

Today we continue our discussion of skills that can radically change your life. Again, these are simple skills that can be practiced and are great habits to make. We pick up from where we left off with the last episode, and are again joined by Ms. Komal Desai to give a millennial viewpoint on these skills.

time is moneyWe started out with one of the most important skills to have and understand. This important skill is to think of your time as money. We hear that quote all the time, that time is money, but few people really take that to heart. However, thinking of time as money allows us to really start to value the time we spend on things. It forces us to stop spending time on things that we need to do, and focus on what really matters.

Second, we took a look at long and short term goals. Both kinds of goals matter, but we often focus on one rather than the other. Part of being successful is having a good number of short goals while working towards a long term goal. We picked apart what these goals are and what they mean to your level of success.

The next skill is one that we love being able to do, but don’t necessarily do well. Winding down and meditating is something we all need to do. With life being so busy, our bodies and minds need to take some time to recharge.  A lot of times we like to watch television and movies, or go be social. However we look at why that is not the best way to wind down and what are things we can do to actually wind down and finish the day.

negative thinkingTo close off this list, we looked at eliminating ANTS. The acronym ANTS stands for automatic negative thoughts. This is something we don’t realize happens more often than not. But, being able to recognize the negative thoughts are happening, allows us time to change our perspective and look at things in a different light.

All of these are skills that we can readily implement into our own lives. Start by finding one that you really want to make a habit, and try to make that a part of your everyday routine. Eventually, we can make all of these skills part of our lives.

Article: 8 Very Simple Skills That Will Radically Improve Your Life

Simple Skills To Improve Your Life with Komal Desai

Today we discussed a topic that is applicable to everyone. Our focus for today is on simple skills that can really change and improve your life. This topic has been split into two shows because of how dense this topic is, but we took the time to really explain each skill, and talk about the ways to make these skills a part of your daily routine. We are covering four of these skills today: scheduling around your energy, looking successful, starting early, and planning in advance.

To start off the show, we talked about scheduling around energy. Scheduling around energy is a way to allow you to work in the most efficient way possible. Knowing when you have the most energy and when you are most focused in the day, allows for your day to be prioritized. It is okay to take time to rest throughout the day and take some time to let your brain take a break. Your energy is not infinite, and understanding how to plan your day based on energy is a great way for you to become more productive.

dress for success

The next skill we looked at was looking successful. Look the part to play the part! Sometimes we forget that the way we dress makes a lasting impression. Knowing how to dress for each situation is a a great way to ensure success. The way we dress presents a certain image, and we always want to present the best side of ourselves.

Third skill we looked at is starting early. Starting early allows us to make the most out of the day. When we start early, we get more hours in the, meaning we get to be that much more productive.

plan in advanceThe last skill we looked at today, is planning in advance. Planning is a way to stay on track and make sure that we get as much done as possible. Knowing that situations are always subject to change, we must remain adaptable in our planning.

These four skills are great ways we can start making a change towards success in our life. Next time, we are going to take a look at four more skills that can really make a change in life and lead you towards success.

Article: 8 Very Simple Skills That Will Radically Improve Your Life 


Sometimes You Have to Check Out to Check In

On today’s show, we took a look at the idea of vacation in the working world and how important it is to take some time off. Everyone likes to  have the ability to take time off, have a time in which we allows ourselves to get away from the schedule of working life. However, even when on vacation, it has become common to continue working and emailing. What many people forget though, is the purpose of taking time off and going on a trip. This can often leading people to have the need to take longer vacations because they don’t take the time to check out completely.


One of the key reasons vacation often turns into working remote, is the fear of missing out. There is an inherent fear that taking time away from the office will lead to a loss of important information and participation. There is a fear that taking time away from the office will cause people to fall behind and  be outside of the professional loop. While these fears are common among professionals, today, we have taken a look at why it is essential to go on vacation.

The importance of checking out is vital for everyone. Vacation is a time to reconnect with our realities and families and with that which really matters to us. It is a time to disconnect and reconnect- disconnecting from the office and reconnecting to your own personal life. Sometimes we forget how necessary this time off is for our own physical, mental, and emotional health. Career advancement is not just the ability to climb the professional ladder, but is the ability to grow and expand your knowledge, something that taking time off facilitates.

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Companies are now starting to introduce the idea of unlimited vacation. This allows employees to take as much vacation as they want, as long as all their work is getting done. While this does cause the need for legal coverage and a very descriptive plan and negotiation, the business benefits of unlimited vacation are strong arguments for implementation.  A rather revolutionary idea and one that may provide to be even more beneficial, this may prove to be the future of vacation time allowances.

What Does Brexit Mean For Your Career Featuring Komal Desai

One of the hottest topics in the world right now is regarding Britain’s exit from the European Union, fondly known as “Brexit.” On the June 28, 2016 episode of Career Advancement, we honed in on the topic of Brexit and what that means for careers and the future of jobs in the market. We discussed what Brexit really means, the air of uncertainty surrounding Brexit, and how this event will make an impact even here in the United States. Based on Ms. Desai’s future career thoughts and plans, this was a great topic to discuss for all ages, especially millennials. The common theme throughout the discussion is focused on the idea of uncertainty and adapting to change.

brexit 1

So why does Brexit matter and why should we care about it here in the US? This topic was inspired by Ms. Desai and how Brexit has already started to affect her future career. Currently a student, Ms. Desai has looked at London to be her future home, a place where she wants to establish herself and her career. We shed some light on the idea of working in a globalized economy, and touched on the what Brexit means for those looking to work in Europe or for a European company here in the US. We also looked at what tolerance of uncertainty means for careers and jobs, focusing in on the ability to go with the flow and adapt to the constantly changing market in order to advance and be happy. The tolerance of uncertainty includes exploring curiosity, persistence, flexibility, optimism, and risk taking.

What They Mean:

Curiosity: new learning

Persistence: exerting effect despite setbacks

Flexibility: fluidity in attitude and circumstances

Optimismsight for seeing new opportunities and possibilities

Risk Taking: being ready to take action in the face of adversitytolerance of uncertainty


Komal Desai is currently a student at The University of Texas at Austin. She is working towards her Bachelor’s in Business Administration with a focus in Finance. Ms. Desai has played an active role in the startup community, working for Beautylish Boutiques based in San Francisco and in Austin.